STHM Promotional Video

STHM Promotional Video

by Elearn Support -
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First ever promotional video for the Faculty of Business and Tourism Studies- School of Tourism and Hospitality Management (STHM).

STHM is a centre of excellence that seeks to enrich the hospitality and service professions in matters of knowledge, skills and humanity. It does this by:

  • Combining theoretical and practical knowledge for both the public and private sectors of society
  • Equipping and confirming graduates with the command and transformational power of serving society through their work
  • Providing responsive programmes to meet the needs of industry/economy and the care of the person
  • Promoting scientific research and policy dialogue as a way to provide advancement to society in what it means ‘to be of service’ and its consequences.
  • Strengthening co-operation with other academic institutions, training facilities, industry bodies and civil society so as to contribute to the spread of sound values and human development

The official launch of this video was held on Friday 10th June 2022 and we acknowledge and thank  RevealPasifik Media for their support in producing this video.

This video captures the essence of what SINU-School of Tourism and Hospitality Management has to offer to our students and we hope you enjoy this short clip

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